I Teach professional High-Achieving Women How to Heal Their Nervous System & Master Anxiety For Good

  • Are you a high-achieving woman with anxiety, striving to reach your goals while secretly drowning in overwhelm and constant worry?

  • Are you sick of waking up with no energy, fatigued, feeling burned out and constantly on edge?

  • Do you spend more time analyzing your moves than making moves?

  • Do you dream of being a consistent person that doesn't get derailed by the constant stress?

  • Have you tried “all the things” to heal, maybe even getting relief for a little while, only to find that the results don't last?

  • Do you worry that being dysregulated is affecting your health? Has your health already been affected and you don’t know what to do besides wait for doctors to send you down rabbit holes with no real solutions?

I have a proven solution that has worked for hundreds of women to get out of survival mode, reclaim their thoughts, their health, and remember who they truly are outside of anxiety.

Be part of the fastest-growing community of women who are ready to leave the old stories behind and take back control

Master anxiety for good. Heal your Nervous System. Remember who you are.

Is this you and your anxiety?

  • Worrying and dreaming up worst-case-scenarios is a hobby you’ve gotten used to. You’re used to functioning with anxiety.

  • You’ve tried everything under the sun to overcome anxiety and have accepted that it’s just a “part of life” or part of your “personality”

  • You’re frustrated because you have a never ending to-do list but somehow find yourself checking out and not being able to concentrate on any of it.

  • You feel like if only there was more time you could accomplish things.

  • You’re burned out because you have massive amounts of responsibilities that you dream of running away from.

  • You obsess over things you can’t control and making decisions feels paralyzing.

  • The idea of setting healthy boundaries makes your skin crawl and you find yourself drowning at the idea.

  • You’re tired all the time, even when you get sleep. The only way to get energy is through caffeine.

  • You’re about to lose your teeth from all that jaw clenching! You’re tired of living with football player shoulders and there’s always a new pain in your body nagging you.

  • You suffer from health problems such as hormone imbalances, autoimmune disease, IBS, heart disease, cancer, migraines or getting sick often.

Imagine this instead!

  • Waking up without anxiety or dread

  • Being present and able to make decisions without fear and overthinking

  • Getting out of survival mode so that the tools you need to conquer anxiety actually stick forever. No more wasting time and money on bandaid treatments instead of the ROOT CAUSE.

  • Knowing how your Nervous System is impacting your entire body so you never have to turn to doctors for explanations that are confusing, send you down rabbit holes, and leave you with more questions.

  • Knowing how to de-stress from anxiety in 5 minutes or less

  • Feeling motivated, focused and connected to your natural energy

  • Remembering what it feels like to be creative and productive

  • Sleeping well and waking up rested

  • Being able to set healthy boundaries with drowning in guilt and anxiety

  • Saying goodbye to chronic pain and tension

  • Actually believing you’re doing a good job in life instead of being consumed with self-critical thoughts

  • Having access to your warm and fuzzy feelings. No more anxiety, dread and irritation around other people.

  • Having the tools you need to stay regulated and in control of your anxiety for the rest of your life in any situation

Sounds like a dream, right!?

Well I’ve got news. What I just described CAN be achieved.

Now, I know what you may be thinking…

You’ve already accepted that anxiety is a part of life and you don’t know what could possibly be out there for you that’s actually going to fix it.

And that makes sense!

What I’ve found is that most high performing women with anxiety are afraid of feeling this way forever and they’re frustrated with how much time, money or effort they’ve already put in to find a solution without seeing consistent results.

What they really want is to just wake up energized without anxiety and dread, but instead they think either they're the problem or they need to wait until some later date when they finally have energy for the “massive undertaking” they think it needs to be to heal, but later never comes. The idea of overcoming this remains a nagging dream that never really goes away. And because high performers like us never quit, they continue to juggle all their responsibilities at full speed (like they're starring in Cirque Du Soleil), getting more and more burned out over time. 

Eventually they decide they need to just accept "this is life" or, their body gets fed up and says "well, since you won't stop, I'll make you stop". Which results in sickness, hormone problems, IBS, or something greater.

But here is the truth...

  • The problem is not the person. And it’s not that anxiety is just a “part of their personality”. Or that “therapy or medication just didn’t work for them”. The problem is that everything we’ve been told about healing IS A LIE.

  • We live in a society that only cares about bandaid treatments, not the root cause.

  • People are taught that mental health and physical health are separate.

  • When someone seeks help for anxiety they’re labeled as having a “disorder” that needs to be treated with excessive talking and maybe even medication. As a therapist who specializes in anxiety and trauma, I call bullshit.

  • The REAL problem is that people aren’t being taught the right tools for anxiety. They aren’t being taught that it’s a NERVOUS SYSTEM ISSUE, not solely a mindset issue.

  • There is NO SUCH THING as purely talking or medicating your way out of anxiety for good. That’s just not a thing.

  • So here’s the deal! THERE IS A WAY that you can master your anxiety for good! The world is waking up to the bologna of treating symptoms over root cause.

Are you ready to get on board and stop wasting time with strategies that don't work or only give you temporary results?

Meet your new, trusted and innovative expert

I’m Kerry Green. I’m an LCSW, nationally certified Trauma Focused - Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Polyvagal Therapist, specialist in Neuroscience Informed Treatment to Anxiety, Panic and Worry and a Certified Neurological Fitness NEUROFIT™ Trainer.

I do what I do because I spent over a decade stuck in PTSD, anxiety and chronic pain believing that there was no way to ever feel better and that I just needed to accept suffering as a part of life. Once I found for myself the power of Nervous System regulation and rewiring negative core beliefs, everything changed. I was able to get out of pain, escape the grip of anxiety and depression, and open myself up to a new mindset for what was possible in my life. And I’ve made it my mission to pass everything I’ve learned onto you.

I have a successful private practice where I help women overcome anxiety and trauma. I’ve helped hundreds of ambitious women just like you get out of survival mode and heal from the inside out.

I’m Obsessed:

I’m obsessed with helping women actually master their anxiety for good. When I first started as a therapist I would meet week after week with people who were DESPERATE to feel like themselves again and they were doing “all the right things” to feel better but nothing was sticking. So what gives? I knew there had to be more. And honestly, slapping a diagnosis on people never sat right with me. The fact that people could truly feel better in my session and then slowly fall back when left to their own devices made it obvious to me that something was missing. That’s when I made it my mission to learn about root causes.

I did what most therapists don’t do, and what they certainly don’t teach us in school. I studied the SCIENCE behind anxiety. I became an expert in the Nervous System and mind-body healing. I learned why people even get anxiety and negative thoughts in the first place, and how nothing matters more when it comes to healing from anxiety than the ability of our Nervous System to feel safe.

Why I started

In my work as a therapist it always frustrated me to see so many clients putting in hard efforts to get relief but never being able to make it stick long-term. They would often get excited about feeling better temporarily, but then feel super disappointed and confused when their anxiety and triggers ultimately kept coming back. I knew the reason was because their Nervous System wasn't becoming fully healed since that's not possible through talking alone. I decided that I needed to come up with a solution. That’s why I created Nerve to Soar| 8 Weeks To A Regulated Nervous System and Anxiety-Proof Life™️. My goal is to show people that they CAN find freedom from anxiety and triggers IF they add the missing piece of healing their Nervous System. Through my methods the process is quick and painless, and it allows people to stop wasting time and learn how to feel better now, not later. In the program you’ll learn how to understand, measure and regulate your Nervous System in under 10 minutes a day, let go of anxious thoughts, release stored trauma and emotions from the body and create a plan that will keep you regulated and anxiety-free regardless of what new stress you encounter throughout your life.

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