NERVE TO SOAR | 8 Weeks to a regulated Nervous System and Anxiety-Proof Life

The Nerve To Soar is my high level, 8 week coaching program that was carefully developed for high achieving women who are ready to finally learn how to master their anxiety once and for all, heal their Nervous System and take back control of how they think and feel with my proven system, guidance, support and accountability every step of the way.

This program will not only teach you how to gain freedom from anxiety, it will teach you how to be the expert on YOUR OWN brain and body as you learn to understand the power of your Nervous System and develop the skills to teach yourself how to feel safe without having to "wait for the stress to die down", or rely on different providers or any other external variables.

The program will teach you exactly how to rewire negative core beliefs in a way that is quick and painless so that you stop getting stuck in the same thought loops. You’ll learn how to be in charge of your own thoughts and emotions so they’re not in charge of you.

The program will teach you how to let go unresolved trauma, physical tension and chronic stress trapped in your body so you can finally feel relaxed, reclaim your health and bounce back from triggers quickly.

This is a program that defies outdated methods of treating mental health and physical health separately. This is a true mind-body approach that addresses ROOT CAUSE HEALING. When you finally understand the power of your Nervous System, everything else falls into place. All the rabbit holes you've ever had to go down looking for answers will finally make sense.

You will finally learn that you are not broken, you are not the problem and your anxiety was never even the problem. The real problem is that no one taught you about root cause and that there is an exact system you can use to heal. And, it's not even time consuming! Unfortunately, without these tools the ability to manage stress gets harder and harder over time as it builds up in our body and eventually leads to even more anxiety, overwhelm and countless health issues. But that doesn’t have to be the case for you!

Success over your anxiety doesn’t have to be a slog and I have the answer for you.
The process is simple, painless and the tools NEVER EXPIRE.

Good Fit

  • You’re a high performing woman seeking solutions for anxiety and your body that actually last.

  • You have an open mind and you’re willing to leave behind the outdated model of dealing with anxiety, trauma, depression and burnout by only treating the symptoms through talk therapy, medication, doctors or specialists without first addressing the root cause; the Nervous System.

  • You love having support and a community of like minded women that will cheer you on and keep you accountable.

Not So Good Fit

  • You’re only seeking an overnight fix without a willingness to invest time and effort into getting the lasting results.

  • You don’t want to try new things. You’re resistant to exploring deep-rooted beliefs and patterns that contribute to anxiety and nervous system dysregulation.

  • You are looking for a passive approach to healing and you’re unwilling to actively engage in self-reflection and proactive change.

Nerve to Soar VIP Program

It’s an 8 week premier program of it’s kind designed for you to stop wasting time treating your mental health and body separately and learn how to master anxiety, regulate your Nervous System and rewire negative emotions and beliefs all in one place. Here’s what you get:

  • Four 1:1 intensives with me where I give you laser focused coaching on your anxiety and Nervous System using my unique method Anxiety-Proof Life™️.

  • Whatsapp messaging daily for ongoing support between calls.

  • Weekly group coaching calls with like minded women on the same exact journey as you.

  • One year access to my course that walks you through exactly what to focus on week-by-week.

  • Guided tutorials on how to release trapped trauma, emotions and physical tension from the body (think tight shoulders, jaw clenching and inflammation).

  • Learn how to bounce back from triggers quickly. No more getting derailed for days or weeks.

  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries without guilt so you have a life that supports your Nervous System.

  • Rewire subconscious beliefs so you STOP getting stuck in the same negative thought loops.

  • Learn which regulating techniques you should use for YOUR unique Nervous System. (No one size fits all strategies - this is tailored to you)


  • 3 months FREE ACCESS to a cutting edge Nervous System App NEUROFIT™ where you'll measure, map and regulate your Nervous System daily in under 10 minutes and be able to see your Nervous System progress throughout the journey!

  • Specialized workbooks and playlists to help you along the way.

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